Mission; to create a safe and welcoming environment for all to create, connect, share and grow in.

    • The 528 in our business name comes from the frequency 528 Hz.

    • John Lennon composed his popular song ‘Imagine’ in the 528 Hz frequency.

    • Everything in this Universe vibrates at a frequency; you, me, and the trillions of molecules that construct the matter around us. The 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency, the love frequency, is thought to resonate at the core of everything; connecting our heart, our spiritual nature, and the divine harmony.

    • The 528 Hz frequency is a sensational tone that has been used since ancient civilizations to manifest miracles, bring blessings, and harness a healing property.

    • All of the ancient Solfeggio frequencies have unique spiritual and psychological effects. But the 528 Hz frequency is of particular physical and biological importance. The number 528 is found in the geometry of the double helix or intertwining double spiral of our human DNA.

    • You can not play 528Hz frequency in the standard or concert tuning where A is tuned to 440Hz. To play 528Hz, you will first need to tune your instrument to A = 444Hz.

    • According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” More than any sound previously discovered, the “LOVE frequency” resonates at the heart of everything. It connects your heart, your spiritual essence, to the spiralling reality of heaven and earth.

  • Having fun in the studio is what it's all about for us!

    We believe the magic created and captured in the studio is when you're experimenting, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and just having fun!

    We also believe in creating the right atmosphere. Some of the greatest studios in the world are not because of the best equipment, best engineers or even the best sounding rooms, but more often the best VIBE. This is our philosophy. Good music comes straight from the soul, therefore there should be no limitations or expectations when it comes to creating.

    I, Jodie Bruce, am a recording engineer, producer AND an artist myself. So I can most certainly work with you on helping you capture the ideas and melodies in your head into something tangible to share with the world (or to keep to yourself! Whatever you decide). Whether that be through electronic beat production or the multi layering of real instruments, or often both! I've worked in many different genres including punk, rock, alternative, indie, folk, pop, hip hop, electronic and more. I myself, am an alternative hip hop / electronic artist actively performing at many major electronic music festivals in